Kind of blu
Coming next year: the Hi Vision Recorder from Hitachi, which will be the first DVD burner to use a blu-ray laser, as opposed to a red laser, to store up to 27GB on a single disc. A blue laser has a shorter wavelength than a red laser, and thus can fit more data into the … Continued

Plasma vs. Pixel Plus
Ric Manning does a side-by-side comparison of Gateway’s new 42″ plasma television and a new 34″ flat screen television from Philips that features something called “Pixel Plus”, which is supposed to increase image resolution. Both cost about the same amount of money ($3000), and while the Gateway’s bigger and thinner, the Philips can display high-definition … Continued

Free iPAQs for everyone!
Everyone attending this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, is getting an iPAQ h5450 Pocket PC from HP. Yeah, let’s give free handhelds to a few thousand of those people in the world who least need to be given anything for free. Read Amazon

Tom’s Hardware review of the first DVD + DivX player
Tom’s Hardware Guide review of the DP-450 from KiSS Technology, the first DVD player that will also play videos encoded in DivX. DivX is a video codec that can compress video to much smaller sizes than MPEG-2, which is what is used for regular DVDs. If you’ve ever downloaded a movie over the Internet using … Continued

EvDO vs. WiFi
It’s only just starting to splash into public consciousness, but EvDO, that new standard for high-speed cellular networks, is already well on its way to edging out WiFi as the wireless world’s latest buzzword. Thankfully Alan Reiter breaks it down for us, and delivers the lowdown on whether EvDO, which rivals 802.11b in speed, and … Continued

The perfect MP3 player for all the metalhead ravers out there
Ok, the names for MP3 players are getting totally out of hand. First there was the HyperHyde Loops II. Then the WalkieMusic from CyQ’ve. Now there’s the 5.4cm thick, business-card-sized Ravemetal CardRec MP3 Recorder from Seagrand. Ravemetal, huh? That’s just too easy. Read

The persistence of memory cards
Envy News review of the latest flash memory card format to be foisted upon the public, the postage stamp-sized XD-Picture Card. Besides adding further confusion to the mix, these cards don’t seem to be cheaper, faster, or even that cheaper than what’s was already out there out there. Read Amazon

Kiss this
Kiss Technology has been coming out with some pretty hot gadgets lately, like a DVD player that plays DivX files and has an Ethernet port in the back. Now it looks like they’ve jumped into the monitor business, with a hot-looking, ultrathin widescreen 15″ LCD display. Read

The Pocket Radio
PocketPCThoughts review of the IBiz Pocket Radio, an FM tuner that pops into the CF slot of a Pocket PC. These seem like these would be pretty handy, but how much would it cost to actually just build an FM tuner into a Pocket PC? If they can do it with an MP3 player, it … Continued

EvDO is the real deal
In a piece last month about a new Pocket PC Phone from Samsung, we noticed that this new PDA connected to a new cellular network in South Korea called EvDO that promised speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps. We were slightly incredulous at the time, if for no other reason that something a whole other … Continued

The most for your money
CNET roundup of the digital cameras that’ll give you the most bang for your buck. Their picks for the best of the bunch are Canon’s PowerShot S30 and the buzzworthy Dimage F100 from Minolta (pictured at right), which has been a favorite of reviewers lately. Read Amazon – Dimage F100

The latest iPod clone
The iPod clones keep coming. The latest is the BA1000 from Bantam Interactive, which comes with a built-in MP3 recorder, so you can record directly from a CD player or turntable without having to use a PC. Comes in a 5GB and a 2GB version, has a built-in FM tuner (that you can record from … Continued

The essence of life fits conveniently on an iPod
Someone finally has a truly excellent response to the question, “What’s on your iPod?” A researcher at the University of New Hampshire’s Hubbard Center for Genome Studies carries the entire sequence for the human genome around with him on his iPod because it’s quicker than constantly having to copy it from the network. Read Amazon … Continued

World’s Smallest Film Festival
Technology marketing firm BigDigit are planning a film festival open only to films created to be watched on cellphones and wireless PDAs. Here a feature length film is considered to be anything upwards of five minutes in length. Takes place at the big CTIA Wireless trade show in New Orleans in March. Read [Via Reiter’s … Continued