Detroit Suburbanites Add Value to Their House by Declaring It Haunted
If The Amityville Horror taught us anything, it’s that a supernatural infestation (real or completely fabricated) can be the most profitable real-estate “problem” to have. That’s why officials in Detroit suburb Royal Oak, Mich. are allowing a ghost-hunting club to conduct tours of a supposedly haunted house in town. Built in 1845, the Orson Starr … Continued

Spend A Year Inside The Loneliest (And Coldest) Place On Earth
New Zealand filmmaker Anthony Powell spent 10 years working on Antarctica: A Year on Ice, a striking documentary that makes use of special cameras designed to withstand extreme temperatures. We talked to Powell about the incredible challenges of filming in the relentless cold. Antarctica is no mere nature film — it’s also a look at … Continued

In Blood Freak, Marijuana And Mutant Turkeys Lead To Awesome Carnage
Forget Charlie Brown — one movie ought to be your family’s Thanksgiving tradition. We’re referring, of course, to Blood Freak, the 1972 horror movie about smoking too much weed and waking up with a turkey head. Brad F. Grinter and Steve Hawkes’ craptacular masterpiece offers an ultra-low-budget cautionary tale about the evils of weed and … Continued

The 10 Greatest and Weirdest JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories
November 22 marked the 51st anniversary of the death of President Kennedy — a tragedy that changed the course of history. It also spawned the greatest conspiracy-generating machine of all time. You don’t have to be Oliver Stone to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t actually a lone nut with suspiciously good aim, though if … Continued

The 10 Greatest Bermuda Triangle Moments in Pop Culture History
We may never know the truth about the dark forces (or scientific facts) that lurk beyond the Bermuda Triangle, that strange airplane-eating zone of weirdness. But at least pop culture has given us some possible answers. Here are 10 occasions when pop culture ventured into the Bermuda Triangle. Top image: KKL on Deviantart. http://kkl.deviantart.com/art/Bermuda-PBY-5A-Catalina-1944-95460938 The … Continued

V/H/S: Viral Could Kill Found Footage Horror at Last
The third film in the V/H/S series is here: the jarring, wannabe-shocking V/H/S: Viral. It unleashes skateboarders, Satan, and a murderous magician — and a flicker of hope that the found-footage horror trend is finally on its way out. http://www.magnetreleasing.com/vhsviral/ Was anyone overjoyed to hear that the V/H/S series was becoming a trilogy? (Serious question: … Continued

Meet the Amateur Sleuth Who’s About to Unmask the Zodiac Killer
Tom Voigt knows absolutely everything about the Zodiac Killer, the real-life murderer featured in the movie Zodiac. Neither cop nor crackpot, Voigt is certain that he’s amassed almost enough evidence to solve the decades-old case very soon. Voigt runs the popular website ZodiacKiller.com — an online destination for amateur sleuths who are fascinated by the … Continued

All the Gory Details You Ever Wanted About Making Day of the Dead
Zombie fans! Sink your bloody choppers into Lee Karr’s new book The Making of George A. Romero’s Day of the Dead — a film-history tome written with more enthusiasm (and references to severed limbs) than most. Night of the Living Dead is a horror classic. Dawn of the Dead is a cult classic, with a … Continued

This Is the Life of a Graveyard Tourist
You think you’re spooky? San Francisco author Loren Rhoads — former editor of gruesomely entertaining true-tales magazine Morbid Curiosity — visits cemeteries for fun. Just in time for Halloween, we quizzed her about her macabre life touring graveyards. Photo of St. John’s Cemetery by Loren Rhoads io9: The first issue of Morbid Curiosity came out … Continued

Ouija Proves That Movies Based On Random Products Have Hit Rock Bottom
Ouija offers a few genuine scares. But mostly, it raises lots of interesting questions about Hollywood’s odd and ongoing affection for turning board games and other random pieces of intellectual property into movies. Granted, as Hasbro-spawned movies go, this low-budget teen thriller makes a lot more sense than the bloated Battleship, which was made for … Continued