Inspired by Alabama Coworkers, Amazon Employees Nationwide Begin Union Talks: Report
A slew of Amazon workers in Baltimore, New Orleans, Portland, Denver, and Southern California are looking into unionizing, emboldened by their Alabama coworkers’ high-profile union campaign, Bloomberg reported Friday. Amazon workers have been fighting to organize for years, citing backbreaking workloads, unsafe conditions amid the global covid-19 pandemic, dystopian workplace surveillance, and Amazon’s history of … Continued

Amazon: If Workers Want a Union So Bad, They Can Attend a Superspreader Event
Amazon has a message for its workers: if you want to unionize so badly, you’ll need to risk catching the coronavirus to do it. That’s according to an appeal the e-commerce giant filed with the National Labor Relations Board on Thursday arguing against the board’s decision to give Amazon’s Bessemer warehouse workers the next two … Continued

Alabama Running Out of ICU Beds For Coronavirus Patients As State Reopens
Alabama is running out of ICU beds to treat coronavirus patients, according to the mayor of Montgomery, the second largest city in the state. The dire news comes as Alabama’s governor, Kay Ivey, continues to lift restrictions put in place last month to slow the spread of covid-19. “Right now, if you are from Montgomery … Continued

Alabama Disavows Plan to Deny Ventilators to Covid-19 Patients With Disabilities
Alabama no longer plans to deny ventilators to people with cognitive disabilities if hospital equipment becomes scarce, according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Alabama’s plan, originally published in 2010, would have taken away life-saving ventilators from people with intellectual disabilities if there were not enough to treat all covid-19 patients … Continued

NOAA Told Its Scientists to Keep Their Mouths Shut About Trump’s False Forecast: Report
Hurricane Dorian may have come and gone, but apparently the debacle over Donald Trump’s faulty Alabama forecast has yet to reach rock bottom. Before the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration debased itself Friday by siding with Trump, a top NOAA official gave staff the downright Orwellian warning not to contradict the president’s bad take, according … Continued

Here’s Every Project Being Delayed to Pay For President Trump’s Idiotic Border Wall
President Donald Trump is diverting $3.6 billion in U.S. military funding to build part of his wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, but where is the money actually coming from? So far we’ve only heard talk about a few million dollars here and a few million dollars there, but last night NPR finally obtained the complete … Continued

Someone Allegedly Hacked Grades at an Alabama High School and Now There’s No Valedictorian
The Alabama Board of Education has launched an investigation after a high school in Escambia County discovered discrepancies in the grades of a number of students, apparently the result of a hack, according to CBS affiliate WKRG News 5. W.S. Neal High School in East Brewton, Alabama found the inconsistencies in some grades while finalizing … Continued

Alabama Robocalls Are Allegedly Spreading Twitter-Fueled Roy Moore Conspiracy Theories
Over the course of the past week, Republican candidate Roy Moore’s already contentious campaign to win the Alabama senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Session went full garbage fire over allegations he molested children decades ago. Moore refused to back down, endorsing a Twitter-fueled conspiracy theory the Washington Post paid women to fabricate the … Continued

Suspicious Account Behind Viral Roy Moore Conspiracy Theory Deletes All of Its Tweets
Republican Roy Moore, the homophobic bigot and former state Supreme Court justice running for Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ vacated Alabama Senate seat, has seen his campaign begin to crash and burn after the Washington Post produced well-evidenced allegations that decades ago, Moore molested teenagers. Moore has refused to end his campaign despite numerous calls from … Continued

Please Don’t Use a Selfie to File Your Taxes
Alabama is launching a pilot program this year that will allow residents to more “securely” file their taxes by using an app that verifies their identity with a selfie. Those who try it out are promised faster processing and a quicker return. As tempting as that is, you probably shouldn’t do it. https://gizmodo.com/noted-shithead-jason-chaffetz-wants-to-use-facial-recog-1793520036 Hackers and … Continued

Read the Surprisingly Mushy Love Texts Alabama’s Disgraced Governor Sent a Former Staffer
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, 74, is expected to resign this week following the release of a 3,000-page impeachment probe report that includes a series of truly cringe-worthy love messages the governor sent Rebekah Caldwell Mason, his former senior political advisor. In 2015, Bentley’s wife left him and filed for divorce after 50 years of marriage … Continued

Evolution and Climate Change to Be Taught in Alabama Classrooms
Starting next year, students in Alabama will be required to learn about evolution and climate change—a move that upends the state’s decade-old science standards. As reported in the Associated Press, public school students will be required to understand the theory of evolution, along with the rudiments of climate change, which wasn’t set as a science … Continued

The Largest Alligator Ever Caught
Measuring 15 feet long and weighing in at a staggering 1,011.5 lbs, this giant alligator was pulled out of a river in Alabama on Saturday morning, becoming the largest ever caught. The woman who did so broke out her special pearl necklace to celebrate. Like coyote/wolf hybrids on the east coast, alligators represent a success … Continued