West Virginia Man Arrested for Making a ‘Wall Hook’ That Could Turn an AR-15 Into an Illegal Machine Gun
A West Virginia man named Timothy Watson was arrested last week for allegedly selling a 3D-printed wall hook that, when disassembled, was actually a “drop-in auto sear,” a small piece of plastic that could turn the popular AR-15 rifle into an illegal machine gun. The product, still available at the excitingly-named portablewallhanger.com, consists of two … Continued

Tragic: Gun Manufacturers Temporarily Worth Slightly Less Due to Lack of Civil War
The November 2020 elections failed to culminate in the nightmare, worst-case scenario many onlookers feared, which is generally good news if you don’t happen to be a firearms manufacturer. Gun stocks plunged on Monday after so-called stay-at-home stocks in general took a hit from news that Pfizer’s vaccine for the novel coronavirus looks promising, and … Continued

Report: Facebook Chose Not to Take Down Militia Group That Brought Guns to Kenosha Protests
Facebook received reports in advance about the Kenosha Guard, a self-proclaimed militia that urged gun owners to “defend” Kenosha, Wisconsin against Black Lives Matter protesters on Tuesday. It chose not to do anything, according to a report by the Verge, until nine hours after one of the armed vigilantes that swarmed the streets of Kenosha … Continued

Terrorist Used Drone to Spy on Mosque Before Killing 51 People, Streaming Live on Facebook
Brenton Tarrant, the terrorist who livestreamed his massacre of 51 people on Facebook in March 2019, used a drone to spy on one of the two New Zealand mosques he attacked, according to newly public revelations by prosecutors this week. The news of Tarrant’s drone operation paints a disturbing picture of the extensive planning and … Continued

Cartoons Were Right? Bending a Rifle’s Barrel Backward Will Actually Redirect a Bullet
In an experiment you should never, ever try at home, the experimenters at YouTube’s DemolitionRanch found that if you were strong enough to bend the barrel of a rifle back on itself (a clever maneuver Bugs Bunny often pulled on Elmer Fudd) the bullet would actually follow the curved path. Years ago, on the Discovery … Continued

Facebook Let a Politician Advocate Shooting Looters With His ‘Liberty Machine’
Popular Information broke the news Thursday that Facebook had allowed a Republican Congressional candidate to run an ad suggesting that looters should be shot. In the video, former Georgia Congressman Paul Broun, who is currently running to represent Georgia’s 9th Congressional District, fires off his “liberty machine”—an AR15—over the caption “Looting hoards from Atlanta? That’s … Continued

TikTok Is Full of Guns
TikTok’s community guidelines would appear to be pretty clear on the subject of guns. The house rules state that users may not post content that “displays firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or explosive weapons,” with exceptions for cops, educational and fictional settings, military parades, and “safe and controlled” environments such as shooting ranges. But guns are … Continued

Pro-Gun Activists Are Behind Some of Facebook’s Biggest Anti-Quarantine Groups
Reddit, your suspicions are verified: the anti-quarantine movement is largely being spearheaded by a squadron of pro-gun organizers, the Washington Post first reported. A handful of popular, eerily similar anti-quarantine groups founded last week have been traced back to the Dorr family, a group of brothers who appear to live in different states, and together, help … Continued

A Woman’s Breast Implants Saved Her Life From a Gunshot, Doctors Say
Doctors say a woman’s silicone breast implants deflected what could have been a fatal bullet, stopping it from reaching her heart. Amazingly, this is not the first time such a thing has been reported in the medical literature. The miraculous bullet deflection was detailed earlier this month in a report published in the journal Plastic … Continued

Man Who Probably Hates Having Fingers Builds a Gun That Shoots Playing Cards at 120 MPH
There’s no denying the engineering and building skills of YouTube’s The Practical Engineer. But it’s the “practical” claims we feel the need to question because as impressive as this invention is, does anyone actually need a handheld blaster that can hurl playing cards at speeds over 120 miles per hour? The video goes into quite … Continued

Gunshot Survivors Are Traumatized for Years, Study Finds
The findings of a new study involving gunshot survivors are unlikely to surprise you—but they aren’t any less depressing. It suggests that many survivors are left physically and mentally devastated by their experience, even years later. For their new work, published Wednesday in JAMA Surgery, the researchers conducted phone interviews with more than 180 gunshot survivors … Continued

Judge Blocks Trump Administration From Allowing 3D-Printed Guns, Again
The Trump administration continues to fail at making blueprints for untraceable, undetectable 3D-printed firearms free and easy for anyone to attain. On Tuesday, a federal judge ruled that Trump’s State Department could not allow plans for such guns to be posted online, claiming that it had circumvented Congress in deciding such a thing was okay. … Continued

Recalled Gun Holster Had One Job, Does the Exact Opposite
The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission and Vista Outdoor have issued a recall notice for the company’s Blackhawk T-Series L2C gun holsters after the design was found to potentially “change the position of the safety switch on the firearm without the user knowing it.” So instead of keeping the gun safe and secure, there’s … Continued

Survey Finds Nearly Everyone Wants More Gun Control, Including Gun Owners
Americans are in many ways in agreement when it comes to gun control, a new survey suggests. It found that a majority of Americans, gun owners included, support a wide range of gun-control policies, such as temporarily removing guns from people considered a danger to themselves or others and universal background checks for handgun purchases. … Continued

How Schools Are Being Designed to Minimize the Number of Deaths During a Mass Shooting
Lockdown drills have become the norm as schools across the U.S. are forced to grapple with the threat of potential mass shootings every single day. But these schools are also being designed in new ways to minimize the number of deaths during a mass shooting. And this segment from NBC News shows just how strange … Continued

Terrorist Who Allegedly Killed 51 People in New Zealand Gets Letter Published to 4Chan From Jail
The white supremacist accused of killing 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, currently has no access to internet, TV, newspapers, and radio. Yet he’s still able to get his hateful ideology out into the world, all thanks to extremists on 4Chan and lax rules about letter writing in New Zealand prisons. Brenton … Continued

Over 10,000 Guns Handed Over in New Zealand Buyback Program After Livestreamed Christchurch Attack
The people of New Zealand have handed over at least 10,242 firearms since July 13, the start of a nationwide buyback program in the wake of a terrorist attack in March that killed 51 people and injured dozens more, according to a new report from CNN. The alleged white supremacist terrorist livestreamed his attacks on … Continued

Italian Police Seize Air-to-Air Missile, Dozens of Firearms in Raids on Neo-Nazis
The Italian General Investigations and Special Operations Division (DIGOS) seized an arsenal of weaponry ranging from bolt-action rifles and automatic weapons to a “combat-ready” air-to-air missile from a neo-Nazi group in a series of raids supported by police in Milan, Varese, Forli and Novara, the BBC reported on Monday. In a statement to the BBC, … Continued

The 3D-Printed Gun Threat Is Getting Weird and Scary
A London student was just convicted for using a 3D printer to make a gun—but not just something that looks like a gun. On Wednesday, Tendai Muswere pleaded guilty to manufacturing a lethal firearm with a 3D printer after watching related videos online. The weapon in question resembles a pepper-box revolver, popular in early 19th … Continued