One Million Pounds of Plate Glass Went Into This Incredible Maze
What does 400 tons of pure glass look like? At the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art this month, you can find out—thanks to a new maze designed and built by the artist Robert Morris using 968,902 pounds of one-inch-thick glass. Last week, the Kansas City museum completed work on Morris’ Glass Labyrinth, which took two months … Continued

23 Amazing Labyrinths To Get Lost In
What is it about humans that make us love–and hate–being lost? Since the time of ancient Greece, we’ve been figuring out ways to entertain ourselves within extraordinarily confusing structures. There are dozens of different types of mazes: there are standard mazes, which feature “multi-route” paths; and labyrinths, which only have single routes. Then there are … Continued

Preposterously Intricate Maze Took Seven Years of This Janitor’s Life
Almost 30 years ago, a Japanese janitor casually drew a few lines, which turned into a few more lines, which turned into seven years of his life and the most demonically intricate maze—hand-drawn or otherwise—that I have ever seen. As Spoon & Tamago discovered, this man’s daughter (@Kya7y) just recently discovered her father’s masterpiece before … Continued

This is how you build a labyrinth out of 250,000 books
We recently told you about artists Marcos Saboya and Gualter Pupo, and their plan to erect a massive maze made entirely out of books for the London 2012 Festival. At the time, we wrote that “the construction of the maze and the visitors’ participation [would be] filmed for general consumption.” Well, as of yesterday the … Continued

Get lost within the walls of a massive labyrinth made of books
It’s easy enough to get lost in a book, but what about getting lost in meters and meters of books? As part of the London 2012 Festival, two Brazilian artists are setting up a giant maze made entirely out of books. Marcos Saboya and Gualter Pupo are creating this installation, which can be found inside … Continued

Maze Solving Robot Mouse Makes Real Lab Mice Look Downright Stupid
Even after spending years solving countless placemat mazes at restaurants around the world, I’m still no match for this robotic micromouse that races through this giant maze in just 3.921 seconds, shaving a full second off the previous record. https://gizmodo.com/watch-this-robot-mouse-blow-through-a-maze-faster-than-5675759 Even without the promise of cheese or a cat in pursuit, the tiny robot looks … Continued

Inside Gaddafi’s Secret Underground Labyrinth
Oh, Gaddafi, you eccentric old creeper. Of course you have a gigantic network of tunnels under Tripoli so you can sneak around and do dastardly shit. Yeah, well, all your tunnel are belong to rebels. The Libyan oppostion and a couple TV crews have finally breached Gaddafi’s massive complex of underground tunnels. Nobody is yet … Continued

This Harry Potter Crop Circle Maze Definitely Wasn’t Created By Aliens
Neither aliens nor goblins had a hand in creating this “maize maze” near York, England—the farmer “Top Pearsy” (that’s a name, yes) owned up and said he merely wanted to mark the ending of the Harry Potter moviethon. Thank god he didn’t carve the four Sex and the City women’s likenesses in his corn fields … Continued

Watch This Robot Mouse Blow Through a Maze Faster Than You Can
Okay, this might not look impressive at first. The maze isn’t that complicated. But imagine being the size of the robotic Micromouse—relatively, this is a human-sized hedge maze. Then imagine running to the finish in only five seconds. Sure, the Micromouse needs to spend a few minutes studying its surroundings before it can process what … Continued

Real Mouse Navigates Quake 2 Using a Trackball
Neuroscientists at Princeton created a new way to study the neurons of the classic mouse-in-a-maze: Strap it to a suspended ball and have it run through a virtual maze. That first virtual maze? Derived from a Quake 2 level. Apparently it’s difficult to control and study the neurons of a mouse when it’s physically moving, … Continued

Bandai’s Aqua Dance Water Toy Hypnotizes Using Nanotechnology
Bandai’s Aqua Dance water toy utilizes some sort of nanotech coating to send endless balls…of water cascading through a maze. I feel the urge to pee just thinking about it. When the water balls have finished their journey through the maze, they are sucked back into the water tank to be reborn once again (haha…innuendo). … Continued

3D Maze Ball: A Worthy Waste of Five Minutes
We doubt that this “3D Balance Control Intellect Ball” will keep you occupied like a Rubik’s cube for hours on end, but its tactical, 3D maze should mush your mind in just the right way and forcibly limit your normally adept problem solving techniques to find the solution in a childlike manner. 7.5-inches in diameter, … Continued

Q-BA-Maze Marble Toy Teaches Kids About Construction, Balls
Combining the concepts of LEGO with the concepts of Rube Goldberg, the Q-BA-MAZE gives you a set of 20 to 50 pieces that you put together to make a descending maze for marbles. It sounds boring from our description, so if you watch the video you’ll notice that it’s…only slightly less boring. This may be … Continued